Innovating in Education

Education is a fundamental human right and key life long concern for all individuals as well as governments (as it impacts economic growth and citizenship engagement).

Here at Texuna our aim is to help improve inclusion and attainment for everyone in our society.

For example we help educators and learners by identifying innovative techniques that give insights as to what content/apps will improve attainment and reduce administration.

We are also very focused on refining the search, to match the journey of the learner – not trying to just catalogue what is available.

Leading Clients from the Education Sector

Texuna was founded in 2000 in London, and since then have delivered a range of software applications for clients ranging from the Department for Education, Standards and Testing Agency and the National College for Teaching and Leadership. We built the original EduBase, a canonical register of educational establishments across England and Wales powering the Getting Information about Schools service.

Investing in Education

We have also made investments in this space including a leading MOOC, as well as having established an academic research center with University College, Cork, Ireland to help facilitate knowledge sharing between industry and academia.

Finally, we are investing in a range of emerging applications including our Learning Record Store which we believe will really help learners take more control of their learning activities themselves.

Case Studies
University College Cork